Committee Meeting – 5 Aug 2024, Minutes
Attendees: | NT, DT, EG, PH, AC, KP |
Apologies: | DH |
Previous Items
Observing (NT)
- Upon renewal of agreements, request change of wording to include <a financial limit> and “exclude members and officers from personal liability.” (NT/DT)
- These changes have been accepted and incorporated into main agreement. Completed.
Health and Safety (NT)
Nigel and Danny have been reviewing our risk assessment document with a view to clarifying content, roles and responsibilities.
- KP suggested NT review the risk assessment and observatory checklist in the light of the contract requirements and come up with any suggestions. (NT)
- Nigel & Danny continue to review the risk assessment to produce a clear, manageable and pragmatic document.
- The risks and checklists have been re-organised into sections pertinent to observing nights, public events, club meetings, etc.
- Danny is cross-checking our risk assessment against the obligations of our insurance agreements. In Progress
- We may need to consider whether H&S training is required for roles at our meetings.
- We should arrange for PAT testing of any club equipment used at our meetings
- DT to consider options for PAT Testing New
Acceptance Criteria for Loan Equipment (All)
Eric needs help from committee members to review and document the equipment they are holding
- Committee members holding unregistered items of loan kit are to check its present condition and report any remedial action required before it can be offered for loan (ALL) Ongoing
- List all the current loan equipment, its condition, suitability for loan and any remedial action required before it can be offered for loan (EG). Ongoing
- EG to contact committee members individually to advise of what is specifically still outstanding. New
Website Security (DT)
- Danny to confirm the implementation of 2FA on our website.
- 2FA is now installed and is enabled for DT and KP. Completed.
Committee Member Images (AC)
Andrew is preparing a laminated sheet of committee member images to assist John Price
- Images to be sent to AC. AC to produce a suitable laminated card. (All/AC)
- Andrew has taken images of all committee members, bar NT
- Andrew and Nigel to liaise over scheduling when they can meet to take these images. Ongoing
Grainger Contract Renewal (EG/DT)
- DT was authorised to sign the contract. (DT)
- Contract has been signed, although the signed paper copy appears to have been lost in the post. Grainger has sent a scanned copy of the signed documents. Completed
Multiple Bank Account Sign-Offs (AC/PH)
- Andrew to investigate and consider options for multiple sign-offs on our bank account(s). Completed
- Andrew to update account access to Peter Hall, Andrew Collins & David Hepper
- Our bank account now needs 2 out of 3 signatures to approve spend.
- Seems to be working well. Completed
Google Maps (DT)
– Danny to check whether the society is on Google Maps
– Completed
Advertising our Meetings (KP)
- Kevin to share our meeting schedule with Astronomy Now
- Kevin has made contact with Astronomy Now, and our meetings are now included in the magazine. Completed.
Dual Microphone (DT)
- Danny proposed to try out an audience and speaker microphone at a future meeting
- Danny explained that a two-microphone system has been trialled at SAGAS, and recommends the club purchases a set for use on Zoom calls. Completed
- KP: Actioned to purchase a set. New
New Items
Telescope Library (KP/EG)
The Committee needs to consider the future of the telescope library if a replacement for Eric cannot be found when he relinquishes his position at the AGM.
- Kevin proposed
- We should ask if any long-term members would be willing to store any club scope currently held by Eric
- We should dispose of any scopes we cannot store – by sale or give away.
- Kevin offered (if he ceased being part-time club secretary)
- To build and operate a simple access database to track who has which kit.
- To put members in touch with the equipment holder to effect a loan.
Eric re-affirmed his willingness to continue to manage the club book library, and the Aldershot observatory, but not as part of the committee.
Lunt Solar Telescope (PH)
We have a Lunt LS60 Solar Telescope in the library, which is regrettably not performing well at the moment. Peter and Danny have replaced the blue glass filter and O rings, but the next steps require more expert attention.
- Bresser UK consider that the problem is likely the red sandwiched filter in the etalon, and have offered to inspect this, and (if necessary) perform a repair for about £300. Failing this, any more advanced repair would involve shipping to Lunt in the US, with an expected turn-around time of 6 months.
- Danny advised that through SAGAS he’s in touch with Prof. David Harrison who services telescopes and comes highly recommended. He can test the equipment and is able to source a higher-quality filter. Danny plans to meet him soon.
The committee approved Danny to take the scope and to book a repair if this compares favourably with our option via Bresser. New
Recurring Items
Finance (PH)
Andrew and Peter prepared the attached financial statement, estimating an end-year balance of <redacted>, down <redacted>on last year, and before any expenditure on the Lunt. This underlined the need to significantly increase subscription fees.
Andrew reminded the committee that we had previously proposed to increase subscription fees by £5 this year and next. This would not be enough to break even by year end 2025, but may recover by end 2026.
We might be able to raise some club funds through our telescope sale, and/or asking for donations when we open the Aldershot observatory, run outreach events, etc.
Kevin asked for a forecast (just a high level summary – 3 or 4 lines would be enough) for 2025 based on the above assumptions, so that we can present this to members at the AGM – Action Peter New
Membership (KP/DH – optional)
David sent a report by email… essentially 3 new members since our last meeting:
KP: Currently 84 active members under 76 subscriptions.
- 67 x Adult (1A)
- 2 x Adult plus juniors (1A+Js)
- 4 x Couple (2A)
- 1 x Family (2A+Js)
- 2 x Student (1S)
Observing (NT – optional)
Nigel reported that the agreements have been updated to include – exclusion of personal liability on members, and claims limited to a successful claim on our insurance. WC requested proof of our PLI (which has been sent) and risk assessment (NT has forwarded last years). We await a signed copy of our licence, and their invoice. The licence will allow us to hold events on dates of our choosing.
The intention is to host 1 or 2 observing events per month, on Saturdays, Sundays & Wednesdays.
Outreach (AC – optional)
Andrew advised that we have 3 or 4 requests for the coming season, including an event at St. Michael’s school.
SAGAS Report (DT – optional)
Little to report, other than progress with the insurance subcommittee is slow, and that the planned Summer Convention has been postponed, due to incomplete building works.
Aldershot Observatory (EG – optional)
Eric reported that a “twinning” event requested by the council went well, with guests from Germany and Poland shown the telescope.
He also noted that the Council were interested to list the observatory as an attraction on Heritage day, but that he was unable to support the event this year.