Committee Meeting – 4 Nov 2024 8pm – Minutes
Attendees: | KP, AC, NT, PH, DT |
Apologies: | DH, EG |
Taken By : | AC |
Written By | AC |
Previous Items
Health and Safety (NT)
Risk Assessments
Nigel and Danny have been reviewing our risk assessment document with a view to clarifying content, roles and responsibilities.
We may need to consider whether H&S training is required for roles at our meetings. Risk assessments should be completed for each event and kept – just in case.
PAT Testing
PAT testing equipment is £500+. Maintenance and recalibration would also be needed every two years. The likely cost of getting somebody in is likely to be around £50.
DT has been talking to SAGAS about at this and they are considering getting people trained. The new Camberley Repair Centre is considering offering PAT testing for a small donation. This could be a good option for us Actions:
• We should arrange for PAT testing of any club equipment used at our meetings. DT to consider options for PAT Testing.
Telescope Library (KP/EG)
Eric needs help from committee members to review and document the equipment they are holding Kevin proposed
- We should ask if any long-term members would be willing to store any club scope currently held by Eric
- We should dispose of any scopes we cannot store – by sale or give away.
Kevin offered
- To build and operate a simple access database to track who has which kit.
- To put members in touch with the equipment holder to affect a loan.
Committee members are asked to check they have supplied all details of equipment they hold and state of repair. David Williams and Neels Kriek have both offered to help with storage of equipment. This was accepted and they are storing equipment for us.
KP shared a copy of the database he has compiled for the equipment. Suggested it could be made available to members at a meeting or on the members section of the web page. KP noted there were over 30 items of equipment.
- Committee members holding unregistered items of loan kit are to check its present condition and report any remedial action required before it can be offered for loan (ALL)
Website Security (DT)
Committee Member Images (AC)
Andrew is preparing a laminated sheet of committee member images to assist John Price
AC and NT have not been able to meet up for an image so AC will use an old picture of NT and make up the sheet for John Price.
Dual Microphone (DT)
Danny proposed to try out an audience and speaker microphone at a future meeting KP has bought it but had trouble getting it to work. Actions
• Further testing by KP Required.
Lunt Solar Telescope (PH)
The committee approved Danny to take the scope and to book a repair if this compares favourably with our option via Bresser.
PH has been contacting potential repairers. Still not clear if it will need to be sent to the US. Actions:
• PH report back at the next meeting.
AGM 10th December
Plans for the AGM. Deadline for reports and other material. Arrangements for buffet and “Thank you” gifts.
Lynne has the buffet in hand and asked members, via Facebook, if they can help.
Whisky is normally given to Gos and chocolates for Lynne and Rob in the Tea room.
- Committee members to submit reports to AC by end of month ALL • KP to find out costs from John Rees as well as the brand of whisky.
- PH will purchase the appropriate gifts.
Recurring Items
Finance (PH)
Peter to provide an update on the state of FAS finances.
<financials redacted – available to members upon request>
Kevin asked for a forecast (just a high-level summary – 3 or 4 lines would be enough) for 2025 based on the above assumptions, so that we can present this to members at the
AGM – Action PH
Committee felt that £25 was too high and so would propose £20 subscription for 2025 and accept the likely loss.
NT suggested an asset sale where somebody could be given a target sales budget. First option would go to members.
Bank Charges
Lloyds have introduced a monthly charge to operate the current account. Peter to provide details and recommend a course of action.
PH Advised that Lloyds may be the last bank to levy these charges and that it was not worth moving the accounts. The committee concurred.
Observing (NT – optional)
NT advised the evenings were working out well. NT advised that he is not available for Feb and Mar as he will be in NZ.
Location of site is in the car park at ///latter.hairspray.mornings.
• KP agreed to run February Observing and AC March observing
Outreach (AC – optional)
AC advised the future outreach events noting that help will be needed for St Michael’s school.
<redacted schedule – available to members upon request>
• Members to be emailed and asked to help AC
Alexander Observatory
AC to raise issue of light pollution and high trees at the observatory. This made observing very difficult. What options do the Committee have to improve the situation.
Committee noted the position and suggested AC contact Rushmoor council. “If you don’t ask you don’t get”.
Post Meeting DT suggested AC contact Andrew Colver at Rushmoor Borough Council. DT had opened the observatory up for him recently. Contact details are Tel: 07831 417 583
• Request Rushmoor council that the trees are cut back and a shield placed over the streetlamp. AC
SAGAS Report (DT – optional)
Last meeting only had 10/21 members attending, however the Federation AGM on Zoom only attracted 13 out of 198 societies.
The January SAGAS meeting will include a planetarium show and societies can invite 3 or 4 additional attendees to the meeting others, but they will be expected to participate in the main discussion.