Annual General Meeting – 10 Dec 2024 Minutes
Attendees: | Committee: KP, AC, NT, PH, EG, plus 18 Members |
Apologies: | DH, DT |
Written By | KP |
Welcome by the President
John opened the AGM with a few personal thoughts and introduced the agenda.
Committee Members’ Reports
KP – Chairman, Programme Secretary, Club Secretary (shared role)
KP summarised his various roles and thanked the committee and other volunteers for their hard work in running the society, and our in-house speakers for their engaging talks. Average attendance at our meetings is slightly up on the previous year but could be higher. Good attendance numbers are important to ensure speakers feel valued and are willing to volunteer again.
KP mentioned his development of a new loan equipment database, his support to the Club Secretary, and looked forward to the 2025 schedule, which would be published shortly. He encouraged members to volunteer to fill remaining slots on this schedule not only to share their current expertise with other members, but also to use the prospect of a talk as a personal deadline / motivation to acquire new knowledge for themselves.
DT – Webmaster.
DT’s report was read by KP
DT summarised his work with KR on our new website and thanked her for her contribution, and everyone else who sent photos or articles, or provided feedback. DT was also pivotal in resolving our public liability insurance exposure when our existing arrangements via (Fed. AS) were discontinued at short notice, and also in renewing our agreement with the MOD over the use and upkeep of Aldershot observatory. These agreements are informed and negotiated based on our risk exposures, something that DT reviewed with NT this year.
DT supported the opening of the observatory for a visit by Mayors from Germany and Poland, and when needed by a non-profit film production crew as set.
DT also sits on the SAGAS board and represents our society there.
DH – Membership Secretary.
DH’s report was read by KP
DH summarised his role as membership secretary in supporting members and joiners with their subscription renewals, tracking attendance at meetings and reporting numbers to the committee. He reported on the successful introduction of the new PayPal payment interface to our MemberMojo subscription further improving the level of automation we now enjoy.
Membership numbers are currently 89, up 10 on this time last year.
EG – Librarian and Instrument Coordinator.
EG spoke of the growth in the quantity and quality of books and telescopes we have available for loan or hire and encouraged members to make greater use of this resource. Our new solar scope is a promising instrument but is currently in need of repair.
EG is also primary keyholder and outreach host for the Aldershot Observatory and opened this for a number of cub and scouts visits, as well as for the visiting Mayors from Germany and Poland. He called for additional helpers and keyholders to help run future events.
EG announced his retirement from the committee, although remained willing to run the book library and to play an active role with the Aldershot Observatory
AC – Outreach Coordinator & Club Secretary (shared role).
AC reported on his activities in successfully running some 8-10 outreach events this year – some at the Alexander Observatory, others for cub scout groups, and one large event for a local school. This involves giving talks and presentations accessible to young people, and (weather permitting) enabling them to look through telescopes at the night sky.
AC thanked volunteers for the help they have given this year and asked for additional volunteers to assist with next year’s outreach events – perhaps by bringing along a telescope; giving a short talk; or just by ‘being there’ to answer questions or to talk about their hobby.
AC has also discharged much of the agenda preparation and minute writing for the committee and carried much of the workload of Treasurer at the beginning of the year, until PH volunteered to take up this role.
NT – Observing Coordinator.
NT announced that after a gap of some 5 years or so, we are once again running observing evenings, now at <redacted>, thanks to the support and cooperation of <redacted> Council. The site has multiple advantages over our previous venue, and the council is also more flexible and enthused about our usage of the site than our previous site owners.
NT described the observing schedule for the year, with more potential observing dates than we’ve ever run before. This is proving to be a successful strategy, with 3 events already run. NT urged more members to come along and to enjoy a night under starry skies in the company of other enthusiasts.
To continue and build upon this success, we need more volunteers to help run and host the events – particularly to cover the few occasions when the Observing Coordinator is away. NT asked for a volunteer to be an official Observing Coordinator assistant in this regard. This would be a non-committee role.
PH – Treasurer
This is PH’s first year as Treasurer. He worked closely with AC to set up new banking arrangements requiring multiple signatories to authorise payments, and set up spreadsheets to track our finances, report to the committee, and to prepare our budgets for next year.
PH advised the committee of our likely significant financial shortfall this year and worked with the rest of the committee to agree our financial plan for 2025.
This will be based on an increase of our standard annual subscription fees to £20 for 2025, deferring an increase to £25 (as required to fully balance the books) until 2026. Our £15 standard membership fee has been held for more years than anyone can remember but is no longer viable.
PH thanked the committee for their help and guidance throughout the year.
Election of Committee Members.
Following the normal AGM process, members were asked to approve the election of the Committee through a show of hands.
There were no new volunteers willing to stand for the committee roles, and the following nominees were duly elected to the following roles for 2025.
- Chairman – KP
- Program Secretary – KP
- Webmaster – DT
- Membership Secretary – DH
- Telescope Librarian – KP
- Outreach Coordinator – AC
- Observing Coordinator – NT
- Secretary – AC
- Treasurer – PH
EG will continue to manage our book library, and to be a keyholder for the Aldershot Observatory as a non-committee role.
Thank Yous.
The committee expressed their thanks and gave small gifts to the following.
- KR – for her assistance in re-vamping the website
- CR – for preparing our newsletter
- LW & RB – for running our team room and organising our buffet
- Gos – for running the bar and setting up the room each month
Any Other Business